[Jersey] Re: Using Viewable on any JAX-RS implementation

From: Reto Bachmann-Gmür <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 11:59:35 +0200

Hi Pavel,

It would be very handy if the Jersey jars would be split into the
actual jax-rs reference implementation and jax-rs utilities that can
be used with the reference implementation as well as with any other.
In an OSGi environment this would mean having one jersey bundle
exporting only the mainly packages and another bundle that
exposes jersey jars with the utilities.

If high level utilities like templating support cannot practically be
implemented purely on jax-rs but need to interact with the jax-rs
implementation via proprietary apis this would be a flaw of jsr-3111,
as reference implementation jersey should make this visible.


On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Pavel Bucek <> wrote:
> Hello Reto,
> Viewable class and related MessageBodyWriters are Jersey addons, so it won't
> work with different JAX-RS implementation. If you need your app be compliant
> with any other JAX-RS implementation, you'll need to handle this by yourself
> (or just pick what you need from Jersey and pack it to your app directly).
> Regards,
> Pavel
> On 10/23/11 1:55 PM, Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to build a jax-rs app that runs on any compliant jax-rs
>> implementation. Is it possible to use Viewable and the respectice
>> MessageBodyWriterS on an arbitrary JAX-RS implementation or do they
>> only work on Jersey?
>> Cheers,
>> Reto