[Jersey] Declarative Hyperlinking and a slash in an id

From: thehpi <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 06:24:57 -0700 (PDT)


I'm using Declarative Hyperlining to set an uri field on a class using this:

        value = "accounting/invoices/type/{type}/id/{id}",
               style = Style.ABSOLUTE,
        bindings = {
                        @Binding(name = "id", value = "${instance.invoiceId}"),
                    @Binding(name = "type", value = "${resource.invoiceType}")
        private URI uri;

This works oke except when the {id} contains a slash, e.g.


The slash is not url encoded so I thought maybe I need to do it myself.
But when I did I found that there is actually url encoding happening except
not for a slash.
My result is now


This is because I'm url encoding into a%2Fb and jersey is encoding the %
into %25.

Is there a way I can tell jersey to encode the slash aswell?



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