[Jersey] Re: Jersey not working while running on root context

From: Sigmar Muuga <>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 08:39:34 +0300

Sorry, on Tomcat @ localhost and jetty @ remove provider classes were not
found :)

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 8:38 AM, Sigmar Muuga <> wrote:

> Hey!
> Actually the problem is not with root context.
> I made tests:
> deployed it to Tomcat running on localhost - my provider classes found
> deployed it to Jetty running on localhost - provider classes were found
> deployed it to Jetty running on remote Linux Debian - my provider classes
> found
> My configuration:
> <servlet>
> <servlet-name>Jersey Spring Web Application</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class>com.sun.jersey.spi.spring.container.servlet.SpringServlet</servlet-class>
> <init-param>
> <param-name></param-name>
> <param-value></param-value>
> <param-value></param-value>
> <param-value></param-value>
> <param-value></param-value>
> </init-param>
> <init-param>
> <param-name></param-name>
> <param-value>com.sun.jersey.api.core.PackagesResourceConfig</param-value>
> </init-param>
> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
> </servlet>
> I am really out of ideas, spent already a day for this...
> Also is Jersey able to scan packages recursively?
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Jakub Podlesak <
> > wrote:
>> Hi Sigmar,
>> I guess only you changed also some other configuration properties.
>> Do you rely on the standard JAXB providers? I.e. is the
>> class annotated with @javax.xml.bind.annotation.**XmlRootElement
>> or @javax.xml.bind.annotation.**XmlType? I guess not, and you use
>> a custom MessageBodyWriter, which is probably not contained in the updated
>> configuration.
>> ~Jakub
>> On 12.9.2011 10:07, Sigmar Muuga wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I have the following problem:
>>> When deploying the app to the context root (/), message body writers stop
>>> working. I get errors like "Caused by: com.sun.jersey.api.**MessageException:
>>> A message body writer for Java class and MIME media type
>>> application/xml was not found"
>>> When running the app in localhost, with maven jetty plugin and having the
>>> context path /myapp it all works.
>>> I googled around and read the docs but I don't have any idea, what may be
>>> wrong here...
>>> Sigmar