I tried in more detail.
(11/08/30 18:07), Kobayashi Satoshi wrote:
> Second, I tried ContainerResponseFilter
> The return value of ContainerResponse#getEntity() has become
> representation class object of the resource. yeah!
> But, it have no annotations that I need...
This was wrong in the method.
I obtained the result to expect by following code.
public ContainerResponse filter(ContainerRequest request,
ContainerResponse response) {
Object entity = response.getEntity();
Class<?> entityClass = entity.getClass();
Field[] fields = entityClass.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
Annotation targetAnnotation =
*the annotation which wanted me*
return response;
The field value of the entity can be re-written by the annotation at a
common filter.
I think that it is useful for filtering of a response!
> First, I tried ContainerRequestFilter
> The return value of ContainerRequest#getEntity() has become LinkedHashMap.
> # the representation of my API is JSON
> I was expecting to become representation class object (not
> LinkedHashMap) of the resource.
> Of course, LinkedHashMap have no annotations that I need.
But this is difficult to use ContainerRequestFilter for a validation.
Because ContainerRequest#getEntity needs a concrete class to an argument.
I would like to write abstractionally processing to a common filter.
I tried Object.class, a interface of the representation and a abstract
class of the representation to an argument.
They did not operate.
It seems that ContainerRequest#getEntity has solved a marshaller internally.
If it is right this spec may be unavoidable.