[Jersey] Re: Nested objects with Jersey/JSON

From: Jakub Podlesak <>
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2011 12:24:06 +0200

Hi WIlliam,

This should generally be supported.

The best JSON suport for Jersey you get when using the POJO feature (see
Does it still break? Can you provide some more information on your Java
(ideally a maven based reproducible test case)?



On 24.8.2011 23:10, William Todd wrote:
> We have been looking at using JSON to provide a REST service in our
> application
> This seems to work fine for a top level object with collections of
> child objects to one level - but we cannot see how to serialise an
> object graph which is more that 2-levels deep
> For example we can get:
> {"level0":{
> "uuid":"123",
> "level1":{
> "uuid":"456"
> }
> }
> But not
> {"level0":{
> "uuid":"123",
> "level1":{
> "uuid":"456",
> "level2":{
> "uuid":789"
> }
> }
> }
> Is this a matter of configuration or is it simply not supported?
> --
> William Todd