[Jersey] Re: jersey-binding module

From: George Sapountzis <>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 21:31:03 +0300


Reminder summary: The jersey-binding module is a utility module for
using JAX-RS resources as MVC controllers. It provides support for
form and query beans and reports binding errors to the resource method
instead of throwing an exception. It is available at

For example usage, see the available tests e.g. [provider

It now has support for:

* query beans (in addition to form beans)
* collection and map types
* message body reader for form beans
* ...

I also re-factored the code away from Injectable and
InjectableProvider to more appropriate Binder and BinderProvider
abstractions. All in all, it now supports the majority of features I
wanted to add and is a decent multivalued map binder.

I am _not_ proposing to include the module in jersey and will rename
the package from com.sun.jersey to avoid confusion that is an official
jersey module in anyway. However, I _do_ propose some minor jersey
patches that will enable the module to run with stock jersey (and
avoid code duplication). The patches are available at a for-review
branch [here](

Please take a look at the proposed patches.
