On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Jakub Podlesak
> Hi,
> You might be able to utilize the ResourceFilter API (see [1]).
> That also gives you an opportunity to select, which resource
> output would be decorated.
mmm indeed. I was initially discarding this option it since I found it would
be a bit too cumbersome to specify it constantly but looks like it could be
the best approach. I tried the one I mentioned, and quickly bumped into the
issue that it would be decorating absolutely everything, which in practice
is not really the case. I would need to be able to know the media type
before the response is created and likely do some other gymnastics.
There is also the option of case by case basis (typically would want to do
the same in an exception mapper when I generate a standard error response
with the same structure), in this case I think it makes more sense to do it
> Another option is to "override" the default MessageBodyWriter [2] providers
> by implementing a custom proxy provider, which could do the decoration for
> you.
> The default providers could get injected to this proxy with Providers [3]
> iface
> so that data serialization could be delegated to them as needed.
mmm.. I think I would end up with the same problem as my initial run
here...(me think)
> HTH,
> ~Jakub
> [1]http://jersey.java.net/**nonav/apidocs/latest/jersey/**
> com/sun/jersey/spi/container/**ResourceFilterFactory.html<http://jersey.java.net/nonav/apidocs/latest/jersey/com/sun/jersey/spi/container/ResourceFilterFactory.html>
> [2]http://jersey.java.net/**nonav/apidocs/latest/jersey/**javax/ws/rs/ext/
> **MessageBodyWriter.html<http://jersey.java.net/nonav/apidocs/latest/jersey/javax/ws/rs/ext/MessageBodyWriter.html>
> [3]http://jersey.java.net/**nonav/apidocs/latest/jersey/**
> javax/ws/rs/ext/Providers.html<http://jersey.java.net/nonav/apidocs/latest/jersey/javax/ws/rs/ext/Providers.html>
> On 30.7.2011 22:32, sbailliez_at_gmail.com wrote:
>> For all rest services responses, I would like to provide a consistent
>> response format which includes some headers/metadata/information
>> related to the operations. Typically include in the response itself,
>> the hostname, the operation timing information, etc.. I may pass
>> information in http headers as well.
>> so in json, something like:
>> {
>> "headers": { "timing": 12, "hostname": "alpha-svc",
>> timestamp: "2011-08-01T00:01:02Z", "service": { "version": "1.2.3",
>> "name": "alpha" }
>> ...},
>> "data": ...
>> }
>> So the "header" parts would need to be added for all responses, whereas
>> the data is effectively the response entity.
>> Is there any particular place that one think of would be suitable to
>> decorate entity response in such a way ? I was thinking it could
>> probably be done by binding the headers metadata information to the
>> thread local then use a special implementation of the messagebodywriter
>> to decorate the entity.
>> Thoughts ?