Shouldn't that be driven by the HTTP Accept header and processed as any http request?
On 16/08/2011 18:31, Jose Antonio Illescas Del Olmo wrote:
Paul, apologize for any inconvenience on my expressions (English
is not my native language).
Let me explain my idea: now, my rest framework works:
Request -> Java -> XML (with XStream) ->
Transformation (XSL/STX) -> Response => Yes,
internally only works with XML and transform with XSL/STX to
any format (at moment any object can output as: XHTML, JSON,
Any Request can controlled (MVC point of view) as:
Transformation: any GET request generates a Java response
that "serialize" Objects to XML and "transformed" with XSL/STX
Redirect: any POST, PUT, DELETE request redirect to some
(static or dynamic) url after process
static: redirect to static configured URL
dynamic: redirect to programatic generated URL
Error: any error redirect to previous URL (form with submit
button) with current parameters (filling any input with
submited values) and a new one "error" with a message error
(showing the error at top)
Well, on JAX-RS any custom Response requires programatic actions.
But... Can exits any "static" (annotated alternative)?
My idea is annotate services with "static" headers (and
response codes) per mediaType:
@Output { contentType="text/html", link="html.xsl" } =>
custom provider serialize result object to XML and transforms with
"html.xsl" when contentType = text/html
public Object find(...)
@Output { contentType="*", location="/some-resource-url" }
=> redirect to "/some-resource-url" after processing to any
public Object post(...)
@Output { contentType="*", status = 202 } => responds with
202 - Accepted but not processed to any Request
public Object acceptedButNotPrecessed(...)
Of course, I say per media type, you can annotated multiples
@Outputs {
@Output { contentType="text/html", link="html.xsl" } , =>
custom provider serialize result object to XML and transforms with
@Output { contentType="application/json", link="json.xsl" }
, => custom provider serialize result object to XML and
transforms to html with "html.xsl"
@Output { contentType="text/csv", link="csv.xsl" } , =>
custom provider serialize result object to XML and transforms to
json with "json.xsl"
@Output { contentType="application/pdf", link="xsl-fo.xsl" }
, => custom provider serialize result object to XML and
transforms to xsl-fo with "xsl-fo.xsl"
public Object find(...)
@Output annotation allows "simple alternatives" without
Your opinion?
On 16/08/2011 17:30, Pavel Bucek wrote:
you have your "ugly" solution. Currently I don't see the way how
you could obtain result of content negotiation process (I think
this was here some time back and result was basically the same).
Btw, how many content types (approx) are you supporting per
On 8/16/11 5:12 PM, Jose Antonio Illescas Del Olmo wrote:
Please any suggestion?
I needed the "default contentType" after jersey
content-type-negotiation? (I need on my REST method, annotated
with @POST, @PUT)
On 11/08/2011 16:04, Jose Antonio Illescas Del Olmo wrote:
Can get the "default" contentType
selected by Jersey on my method?
Please note that Jersey (and any JAX-RS implementation)
calculates the content type to invoke the method with valid
media type...