Additional information:
With further tests and reimplementing the OAuthServerFilter I've
noticed that the problem is only partially on the ignorePattern.
What happens is that modifying the ignorePattern as follows:
It let the request pass, however I get a 404 Not Found error. I'm sure
that the filter is identifying that the pattern should be ignored,
because this if statement is true:
// do not filter if the request path matches pattern to ignore
if (match(ignorePathPattern, request.getPath())) {
return request;
However, when they are in the "/oAuth/*" folder, nor my /services/*,
nor /requestToken, /authorize, nor /accessToken are resources found.
(of course I mean /oAuth/services, etc.). In other words I see the
filter filtering the resources and letting them pass, because they
belong to the ignore pattern, but then they don't work and return a 404
If I put things back in the /* root folder, everything can be accessed.
Any idea of why this happen?