Getting back to this now...
I think I figured out how to use the suggested code, but it has pointed
out another issue with our setup.
Our @Provider classes don't seem to be able to be automatically found.
The only way we've been able to get them to be loaded and available is
if we load it via the Spring applicationContext - which of course
requires a default no-param constructor.
How can we get them to be found by whatever system is "normal" for jersey?
On 7/12/2011 2:56 PM, Pavel Bucek wrote:
> you should be able to do it via injected instance of ProviderServices:
> @Provider
> public class MyUnmarshallerResolver implements
> ContextResolver<Unmarshaller> {
> public MyUnmarshallerResolver(@Context ProviderServices
> providerServices) {
> providersServices.getProvidersAndServices..
> }
> ...
> }
> let me know whether it helped - if not, I should be able to create
> better sample.
> Regards,
> Pavel
> On 7/12/11 8:00 PM, John G. Lussmyer wrote:
>> Thank you, that does help.
>> I also found that we already have an @Provider for our JAXBContext -
>> which brings up the question, is there a standard way for me to get
>> the JAXBContext created by that @Provider to use in my Unmarshaller
>> @Provider?
>> On 7/12/2011 7:58 AM, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> you can set your own Unmarshaller instance by implementing
>>> ContextResolver<Unmarshaller>:
>>> @Provider
>>> public class MyUnmarshallerResolver implements
>>> ContextResolver<Unmarshaller> {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> See:
>>> Regards,
>>> Pavel
>>> On 7/12/11 4:42 PM, wrote:
>>>> We are using jersey with jaxb generated classes.
>>>> We'd like to enable input data validation, but I've been unable to
>>>> figure out just how to do this.
>>>> Is there a tutorial somewhere for this?
>>>> It looks like I'll need to generate a schema from the xsd file, but
>>>> all
>>>> the instructions for using it involve setting up an unmarshaller -
>>>> which jersey seems to do internally, so I don't have access to it.
John G. Lussmyer mailto:Cougar_at_CasaDelGato.Com
Electric Vehicle Battery Monitoring Systems,