[Jersey] Re: Jersey non blocking client

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 09:53:17 -0700

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 6:47 AM, jfarcand <> wrote:
> Salut,
> Great work!

Agreed. Next question then will be whether this can be used beyond
just HTTP exchange, i.e. to do data-binding in non-blocking manner? If
I understand this correctly, it will allow non-thread-bounded handling
of raw request data (to buffer) and response data (from buffer), using
fixed number of threads to push/pull data.
I guess handling of data binding in non-blocking way is not quite as
important, just because it is not I/O bound (i.e. throughput does not
vary a lot), so it's ok to allocate threads for binding input and
output, as well as processing itself.
The main benefit of allowing non-blocking mode there would be that one
could do without buffering the whole input or output, but JAX-RS is
not modelled to allow that very easily at this point.

-+ Tatu +-