are you sure it is on the wire? Can you add LoggingFilter on client side
or somehow check incoming request (wireshark)?
Client c = Client.create();
c.add(new LoggingFilter());
On 6/22/11 9:35 PM, Jitesh wrote:
> Ok guyz I changed FormDataMultiPart to something like this
> @FormDataParam("sourceLanguage") String sourceLanguage,
> @FormDataParam("uploadFile") InputStream file in method arguments and
> sourceLanguage started coming up fine.
> The InputStream is not null anymore but its size is zero.When I try to read
> it,I do not get anything.Any ideas what is happening?
> --
> View this message in context: http://jersey.576304.n2.nabble.com/How-to-post-a-file-and-other-form-fields-by-Jersey-client-tp6502947p6505772.html
> Sent from the Jersey mailing list archive at Nabble.com.