[Jersey] How to post a file and other form fields by Jersey client

From: Jitesh Sinha <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 22:34:26 -0700 (PDT)


I have a form which has a file upload field along with other fields (Text boxes
and List box).

So far,whatever example I have found,deal with only those forms that have only
file upload field in them.

Client code -
protected void forwardToTranslation(@ModelAttribute("testCommand") TestCommand
testCommand,HttpServletRequest request)

                Client client = Client.create();
                WebResource service =


                //uploadFile is byte array
                File file = convertToFile(uploadFile) ;

                //Check if right file is being picked.This is ok.
                System.out.println("File Size "+file.exists()+" abs path
"+file.getAbsolutePath()) ;

                Form formData = new Form() ;
                formData.add("param1",value1) ;
                formData.add("param2",value2) ;
                formData.add("uploadFile", file) ;
                formData.add("param3",value3) ;
                ClientResponse response =
                System.out.println("response is "+response.toString()) ;

serverside code -


        @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/request")
        public ModelAndView methodOnPost(@ModelAttribute("clientCommand")
ClientCommand clientCommand,

                        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
response,_at_FormParam("uploadFile") InputStream file)

//convertToStream reads from InputStream to file.I think this is where it is
getting wrong.

//following line prints

System.out.println("File ::"+ req.getInput());



As you can see somehow I am not getting inputStream correctly on server.How do I
parse this so that I get file as well as other parameter values?

Please help.Thanks!!
