[Jersey] Rest in the enterprise

From: Victor Grazi <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 17:34:54 -0400

Ok this is not a Jersey question but I didn't know where I would find a
larger more experienced group of Rest users, so I beg your indulgence.

We are building a large Jersey based web services app for enterprises such
as large banks and mutual funds.

The app would be built in an excel/.Net addin and would call a web service
to get information from our corporate database.

We heard that it could be possible that such enterprises that we are
targeting for this app could have very paranoid proxy servers that block
http calls that didn't originate from a browser, or that were anything but
http gets and posts. Also that it is possible they would strip out header

Is there any fire to this smoke from your experience? How do you handle such
situations? (We were thinking of making every call a Post but that would
undermine the whole JaxRs api. )

I had rather hoped that the enterprise would welcome rest with open arms.

Any insight would be appreciated

Thanks Victor