[Jersey] Jersey+Resin 4

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 19:08:55 -0400


As you guys might know, Resin 4 just got certified for the Java EE 6 Web
Profile. Although we do not currently support JAX-RS since it is not
included in the Web Profile, a lot of our customers request JAX-RS. As a
result, we would like to recommend Jersey as a pluggable JAX-RS solution
for Resin.

I tested Jersey out and so far things look pretty good. It was
especially cool that CDI integration just worked out of the box. The
issue I have now is that the EJB integration does not seem to work as
smoothly. What do I need to do to make the JAX-RS/EJB integration happen
on Resin 4? In particular, I'd like to have Resin EJBs recognized as
Jersey/JAX-RS resources.
