Thanks for the reply. I was just checking to see if anything had
changed that I missed. I'm out of the office today but I'll post a
test case tomorrow. For now, we just rolled back to the Grizzly 1
framework so it isn't a big deal.
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Pavel Bucek <> wrote:
> btw, I just found HttpHeadersTest in jersey-apache-client, which uses
> grizzly2 to start and uses @Provider and passes, so.. I'm not sure what is
> wrong/can't reproduce.
> Pavel
> On 5/3/11 1:46 PM, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>> Hello Gary,
>> Are you using Jersey test framework or just jersey-grizzly2 module? Can
>> you share more details/testcase?
>> Thanks,
>> Pavel
>> On 5/2/11 7:39 PM, Gary Moore wrote:
>>> We just moved to Jersey 1.6 this morning. Jersey is find, and our
>>> Jersey Test container classes all pass with Grizzly 1. Grizzly 2,
>>> however, doesn't pick up any of our MessageBodyWriters/Readers and
>>> responds to everything with 415 - Unsupported Media Type. Anyone have
>>> details on how to initialize the Test Grizzly 2 container with our
>>> Provider classes?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Gary
Gary Moore