Thank you for your quick reply.
Boilerplate here we come :)
How do I start ResTestResource within a JerseyTest without configuring
its whole package?
(So I could define the Wrapper Class inside the Test)
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Pavel Bucek <> wrote:
> Hello,
> it is not possible, jersey test framework always needs to start jersey and
> if you define just this class as only resource, it won't start because there
> is no root resource present.
> What you can do is create something like ResTestResource, which could look
> like:
> @Path("/")
> public class ResTestResource extends Res {
> public ResTestResource() {
> super("injected value");
> }
> }
> and run your test(s) against it..
> Pavel
> On 04/07/2011 04:29 PM, Mark Engel wrote:
>> How is it possible to unit test just one resource at a time?
>> For example I have this resource
>> class Res {
>> private final String injected;
>> public Res(String injected) { this.injected = injected; }
>> @GET public String get() { return injected; }
>> }
>> and want to unit test this resource with a custom stub (configured via
>> setUp()) against real http calls from Client.
>> I would expect that if I only test one resource it would be in the
>> root of the server.
>> Is this possible with Jersey? I only found options to configure a
>> whole package of resource.