Pretty interesting. That is definitely a bug, can you please file new
issue in our issue tracker? Ideally with testcase..
Just out of curiosity - can you try the same thing with Moxy
implementation? It would be good to know that the issue is not in JAXB
implementation but in jersey-json module.
On 4/22/11 4:56 PM, Mohan KR (mkannapa) wrote:
> Maybe it will help someone, but I was able to get the below to work,
> by disable the formatted output marshaller
> property (i.e. false). So, I am not sure why the JSON marshaller's are
> sensitive to the formatting, don't know whether
> it should be raised as a bug or that the JSON marshaller expects no
> formatting, especially when fragment is turned on.
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Mohan KR
> *From:*Mohan KR (mkannapa) []
> *Sent:* Friday, April 22, 2011 7:44 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: CustomResolver (Marshaller) dual content type xml and json
> *bump*
> Apologize for bumping it, seeing if anyone had experience this? Some
> more details here is my CustomResolver. A few things
> I have tried:
> * Different JAXB impl : a) The one bundled with JDK1.6 b) Metro JAXB
> 2.1.13 c) Moxy 2.2.0
> It does not matter, JSON is not being generated, and there are no logs
> that i could see to tell where I'm going wrong.
> If this is not the correct approach would appreciate any pointers in
> the right direction.
> @Provider
> *public**class*ContextResolverMarshaller
> *implements*ContextResolver<Marshaller> {
> @Override
> *public*Marshaller getContext(Class<?> type) {
> *if*(type == *null*) {
> *return**null*;
> }
> //We will create the JSONJaxbContext, so we can support both XML and JSON
> JSONJAXBContext ctxt = *null*;
> // create a brand spanking new one, note I have tried all the
> different JSON
> // configurations, to no avail
> *try*{
> ctxt =
> *new*JSONJAXBContext(JSONConfiguration./badgerFish/().build(), type);
> }
> *catch*(*final*JAXBException ex) {
> *return*ctxt;
> }
> Marshaller m = *null*;
> *try*{
> m = ctxt.createMarshaller();
> }
> *catch*(*final*JAXBException ex) {
> *return*m;
> }
> // set our properties
> *this*.setProperty(m, Marshaller./JAXB_FRAGMENT/, Boolean./TRUE/);
> *this*.setProperty(m, Marshaller./JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT/, Boolean./TRUE/);
> *return*m;
> }
> *private**void*setProperty(Marshaller m, String name, Object value) {
> *try*{
> m.setProperty(name, value);
> }
> *catch*(final PropertyException ex) {
> //log
> }
> }
> }
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Mohan KR
> *From:*Mohan KR (mkannapa) []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 20, 2011 7:19 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* CustomResolver (Marshaller) dual content type xml and json
> Greetings,
> My core problem is I need to support XML and JSON in my responses. I
> have JAXB annotated POJOS, and
> my resource method's have the appropriate @Produces Annotation.
> With this setup everything appears
> to be working fine, using curl to send separate requests with the
> appropriate Accept headers.
> After, making sure things were working, I need to set some
> Marshaller Properties, and it appears that the
> recommended approach is to use the ContextResolver<Marshaller>
> approach. I did that and registered it
> as a provider to the runtime. Now, XML content type is working fine,
> but JSON is broken I get no content.
> Do I need to implement a JSONMarshaller too? Although my
> ContextResolver is being called when I make
> the request with application/xml and application/json. Don't know
> whether it is a bug or maybe I'm missing
> something.
> I'm using jersey 1.6. Thanks in advance.
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Mohan KR