I started to unit test my jersey interface with mockito and
JerseyTest. So far this works like a charm.
However I don't know how to unit test if the correct sub-resource is loaded.
This is an example unit test I've written.
The SubResource is mocked, but is still dependant on the
implementation of SubResource (returns 204 when SubResource has a get
method and 405 when SubResource has no get Method)
What is the prefered way to unit test whether the desired sub resource
is loaded?
public class SubResourceTest extends JerseyTest {
// the resource which is unit tested
public static class Resource {
public Resource() {
public SubResource getSub() {
return sub;
public class SubResource {
public String foo() {
return "foo";
private static SubResource sub;
public SubResourceTest() {
protected AppDescriptor configure() {
setTestContainerFactory(new GrizzlyTestContainerFactory());
return new LowLevelAppDescriptor.Builder(Resource.class).build();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
sub = mock(SubResource.class);
public void testGetCustomerResource() {
// returns a 204 no_content, if SubResource has a get Method
// returns a 405 Method not allowed, if the SubResource has no get Method
SubResource actual = resource().path("/sub").get(SubResource.class);
//assertEquals(customerResource, actual);