Hi Pengfei,
I am a bit confused. You stated you turned the POJO mapping feature off.
Then Jackson JAX-RS provider won't be used and you can not expect anything
from it as the internal JAXB->JSON mapping is not leveraging the Jackson
described by Tatu. I think, and Tatu could confirm, if you switched the
POJO mapping
back on, and provided your own custom (Jackson) serialization implementation
for the class, that should work for you as requested.
On 04/08/2011 01:05 PM, Pengfei Di wrote:
> Hello Tatu,
> thank you for your hint. I just found the reason.
> I have to turn of the POJOMapping feature, otherwise the
> JacksonJsonProvider instead of the AbstractRootElementProvider will be
> used for JSON representation.
> Now what I get ist: {"myEnum": "2"}
> As you said, @XmlEnum is unfortunately not support.
> What is confusing is that there is no statement from the jackson web
> site, whether this annotation will be supported in the future or will
> not.
> Pengfei
> On 04/06/2011 06:38 PM, Tatu Saloranta wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:00 AM, Pengfei
>> Di<pengfei.di_at_match2blue.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to write a JAXB class, that constains a field of enum
>>> type, into
>>> JSON String. I tried with @XmlEnumValue annotation, but it doesn't take
>>> effect.
>>> The JAXB class looks like:
>>> @XmlRootElement
>>> public class MyClass {
>>> @XmlEnum(Integer.class)
>>> public enum MyEnum {
>>> @XmlEnumValue("1") INACTIVE,
>>> @XmlEnumValue("2") ACTIVE
>>> }
>>> private MyEnum myEnum;
>>> public getMyEnum(){
>>> return myEnum;
>>> }
>>> // setter
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> The expected JSON string is : {"myEnum":2}
>>> But what I get is : {"myEnum":"ACTIVE"}
>>> Does Jackson support this @XmlEnum annotation? or did I do something
>>> wrong?
>> Jackson does not support @XmlEnum -- enums will always be serialized
>> as Strings, unless custom serializer is used -- but
>> JaxbAnnotationIntrospector should support @XmlEnumValue for
>> customizing actual values used. So this looks like a bug, as long as
>> you have JAXB annotation support enabled (if not, you do need to
>> enable support).
>> -+ Tatu +-