[Jersey] Re: How to give a json string to a webservice method

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2011 10:11:46 +0200

Hmm, we haven't investigated android platform yet, so I don't really
know what is the problem there, but some other users might have
experience with that, so.. feel free to comment.

And or your case - you can put an entity to your request when using
apache http client:

HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("http://localhost/");

see [1] for additional details.



On 4/7/11 12:53 PM, Asuka wrote:
> Thanks for your answer. Yes, that's right. sending data as a part of the url
> is not the best way.
> The problem is that, I have to use the apache http client, because I send
> the request from an android app and I had some problems using the jersey
> client. Sorry, I've had to told directly.
> So I 'm not sure what to do now. Do you have any other ideas?
> Thanking you in anticipation
> Greetings
> Asuka
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