Well, now it's working, but before didn't.
2011/2/16 Martin Matula <martin.matula_at_oracle.com>:
> Actually, it is not disabled. You just need to use https. Try
> https://java.net/jira.
> Martin
> On 9.2.2011 17:23, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>> Ah, I see what you mean..
>> that feature is disabled for whole JIRA at java.net (I don't know why)..
>> so you can't integrate it with any IDE as far as I know..
>> Pavel
>> On 02/09/2011 04:24 PM, Petr Jurák wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> yes, but the problem is, when I use this url in Eclipse IDE Mylyn Jira
>>> connector and the result is "No JIRA repository found at location.".
>>> I'm trying to connect from my IDE. What url do you use in Netbeans to
>>> connect Jira?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Regads,
>>> Petr
>>> 2011/2/9 Pavel Bucek<pavel.bucek_at_oracle.com>:
>>>> Hello Petr,
>>>> see project main page - http://jersey.java.net/ and click on
>>>> "IssueTracker"
>>>> on left panel.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Pavel
>>>> On 02/09/2011 03:12 PM, petr.jurak_at_gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I need to know URL where is located Jira repo for project Jersey? The
>>>>> documentation (wiki) is older and so some of url links are broken.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> PJ