Gili wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a test program according to
> but for some reason whenever I try constructor injection I get:
> SEVERE: Missing dependency for constructor public
> foo.DoctorsResource( at parameter index
> 0
> Here is my config file (I verified this is being executed at load-time):
> public class GuiceConfig extends GuiceServletContextListener
> {
> @Override
> protected Injector getInjector()
> {
> return Guice.createInjector(new JerseyServletModule()
> {
> @Override
> protected void configureServlets()
> {
> bind(DoctorsResource.class);
> bind(Test.class).toInstance(new Test());
> serve("/*").with(GuiceContainer.class);
> }
> });
> }
> }
> And here is my resource:
> @Path("/doctors")
> public class DoctorsResource
> {
> private final Test test;
> @Inject
> public DoctorsResource(Test test)
> {
> this.test = test;
> }
> }
> I am fairly certain that Guice knows how to inject Test. Why then am I
> getting this error?
> Thanks,
> Gili
Adding @InjectParam to the constructor argument fixed the problem. That is:
public DoctorsResource(@InjectParam Test test)
this.test = test;
Why does this work? And why isn't this mentioned by the aforementioned
Javadoc? :)
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