[Jersey] Re: Extended WADL example for JSON

From: Hector <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 20:18:58 +0000 (UTC)

Jason Erickson <jerickson@...> writes:

> The extended WADL of Jersey has a nice feature for XML documentation, where
you can say:
> @response.representation.200.example {_at_link Examples#MY_SAMPLE_OBJECT}
> The WADL generator will actually marshal the MY_SAMPLE_OBJECT to XML for the
documentation. That way the
> documentation reflects the REAL way that object would be represented. Awesome!
> Unfortunately, all of my services produce JSON. In JSON, the example is even
more important because there
> is no equivalent of a schema for JSON. Is there anything similar available
for JSON? Has anyone written
> anything custom that I could look at as an example?

Anything? I'm looking to do the same thing.