Hi Gary,
The best practice i would advise is if you know the size before you do
any serialization then this method can be used, otherwise return -1
and let the HTTP container do its thing (e.g. buffer or use chunked
transfer encoding). A good example where getSize can return a non-
negative integer is the serializing of byte[] or File.
I would not recommend doing work in the getSize method and caching.
Although the runtime will call getSize before writeTo it is not
specified that getSize should be called just once or that writeTo will
be called after getSize is called (and if so it is not stated that it
will be on the same thread). For example, the application developer
can inject Providers and from that obtain a MessageBodyWriter and do
what ever it wants with it.
The following is likely to be implementation specific to the HTTP
container that is utilized. In the writeTo method you could buffer the
serialization in byte[] then set the Content-Length header. You need
to set this header before any bytes are written to the output stream,
since when the first byte is written the headers are committed.
On Jan 5, 2011, at 12:17 AM, Gary Moore wrote:
> Right now, we're doing a lot of this in our MessageBodyWriter(s):
> @Override
> public long getSize(PropValue value, Class<?> type, Type type1,
> Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType) {
> //TODO: Do this
> return -1L;
> }
> The problem is that we're doing some objects->byte conversions in the
> MessageBodyWriter.writeTo method. The docs for MessageBodyWriter say
> getSize is called before writeTo, so to respond properly to getSize,
> we have to do the objects->byte conversions twice, once to get the
> size and another time to actually write it out.
> What is the Jersey lifecycle of MessageBodyWriters? Is it safe to do
> the converting in the getSize method, then save the result for use in
> the writeTo method?
> Thanks,
> Gary
> --
> Gary Moore
> http://athena.fracturedatlas.org
> http://www.gmoore.net