[Jersey] Re: Jersey test framework with JNDI resources

From: Mike Key <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 08:21:24 -0700

Based on lack of response from such a good community I am assuming
nobody has done/tried this with Jersey Test Framework. Can anyone tell
me if it at least *should* be possible to use JNDI resources when
loading a webapp into the Jersey Test Framework? I am using a simple
configuration which leverages the Grizzly server. The test bootstraps
properly but then fails as it cannot find the JNDI resource it is
looking for (see below for Spring section it is looking for).

Thanks for any direction.

Mike Key

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mike Key <>
> January 16, 2011 4:48 PM
> I am trying to use the Jersey test framework with a web application
> that includes some JMS resources normally looked up through JNDI. For
> example I have the following in my spring config:
> <jee:jndi-lookup id="connectionFactory"
> jndi-name="jms/connectionFactory"
> resource-ref="true"/>
> I am struggling to figure out how to add a JNDI configuration to the
> grizzly configuration. Can someone point me to or lead me in the
> right direction on how to setup JNDI resources in a Jersey test
> framework setup?
> Thanks in advance.
> Mike Key