I have a multi-module spring/maven project I am trying to integrate the
Jersey test framework into. The code to bootstrap through extending
JerseyTest I've seen seems limited in the sense I can't figure out how
to feed it multiple spring context files. I have the following:
public InstanceResourceTest() throws Exception {
super(new WebAppDescriptor.Builder("com.myservice.path")
as my constructor. In order to make the full app load via spring
though, I need to add 4 more contextConfigLocations. ContextPath in the
Jersey test framework seems to be a HashMap<String, String> where as in
order to add multiple contexts I'd expect it to be a Hashmap<String,
List> or HashMap<String, Object> wrapper. So my basic question is...is
there a way to pass in multiple spring context files to the test framework??
Thanks in advance!