[Jersey] Re: Why a 404 instead of 400 on bad query parameters?

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 13:21:39 +0100

On Dec 24, 2010, at 1:40 AM, wrote:

> I have a service defined thus:
> @GET
> public Observation[] getObservations(
> @QueryParam("startDate") Date startDate,
> @QueryParam("endDate") Date endDate,
> @QueryParam("observerId") Long observerId,
> @QueryParam("observerName") String
> observerName,
> @QueryParam("subjectId") Long subjectId,
> @QueryParam("subjectName") String subjectName,
> @QueryParam("phenomenonId") Long phenomenonId,
> @QueryParam("page") @DefaultValue("0") int
> page,
> @QueryParam("pageSize") @DefaultValue("25") int
> pageSize,
> @QueryParam("excludeLocationless")
> @DefaultValue("false") boolean excludeLocationless) {
> ... do some stuff
> }
> A client was passing 27.0 for observerId and was getting a 404 error.
> Naturally, he assumed that either the path to resource was invalid or
> that 404 meant that there were no results. But the problem was that
> 27.0 was not a Long. If he passed observerId=27, he did get results.
> My question is: Does this make sense? Wouldn't a 400 be more
> appropriate? Is this because of the JSR?

Yes, because query parameters are part of the URI. The EG went back
and forth on this one. I can see it both ways.

You can override the behavior with an exception mapper that maps:

In general we need improved validation of request information and
improved error reporting when invalidation occurs.


> Or should I log it as a bug?