[Jersey] Need extended wadl help

From: Christopher Piggott <>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 11:38:13 -0500

I have a number of resources that return various XML objects. It
would be nice if the wadl indicated the real return types, so, in an
attempt to be clever, I created mime types for each of my xml root
objects, then set up resources to

This made the WADL look good, but jersey wanted me to create a unique
MessageBodyWriter for each one of those objects. Both the server and
client get messy.

I think the answer to this is extended wadl and provide a for each one of these. So that's what
I'm attempting to do.

I have not been able to piece together a working maven configuration
for this. If I understand correctly then what I really need to is to
configure maven-javadoc-plugin to use resource-doclet, which should
cause it to produce a file
${}/resourcedoc.xml that contains hints
to the extended wadl generator at runtime. (Correct?)

I am using 1.4 for now. In my dependencies I load:
as well as a number of other pieces (jersey-guice, etc.)

What I can't figure out is why when I go to build I get this:

"An error has occurred in JavaDocs report generation:Unable to find
artifact:groupId = 'com.sun.jersey' artifactId = 'jersey-server'
version = '1.4'"

Obviously, jersey-server is there because the rest of the project
builds just fine. It's in my local .m2 repository, everything looks


                <groupId>com.sun.jersey</groupId> <!-- *** This is
where it is broken? *** -->