I've been using this "cREST client" that's a chrome plugin. I LOVE how it
remembers URIs and request headers that you've used before. And it can reply
requests which is pretty cool. No support for auth yet, but it's definitely
worth checking out.
On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 1:48 AM, Srinivas Naresh Bhimisetty <
shri.naresh_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Adam Walczak <me_at_adamwalczak.info> wrote:
>> Here's another web based tool -
>>> http://app.apigee.com/console
>>> The Apigee API Console allows you to test or rather play around with any
>>> restful service.
>> Nice.
>> But for a developer it has one problem. It wont connect to
>> http://localhost/ :o)
> Oh yeah. That's true :)
> - Naresh
>> --
>> Adam Walczak
>> www.adamwalczak.info
>> +48 604 188 992