[Jersey] Re: jersey version upgrade

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 12:13:49 +0100

On Dec 14, 2010, at 8:41 PM, Suchitha Koneru (sukoneru) wrote:

> Hello Jersey users,
> We are using Jersey 1.1.1-ea in our
> application. What is the next release version of Jersey we can
> upgrade to ?

Here is the list:

> Do we have a release version of jersey with WADL enhancements ,
> specifically the following one

No this has not been fixed.

> As per jersey documentation we need to annotate a java pojo with
> @XmlRootElement, so that marshalling/unmarshalling are done in the
> run time via JAXB .
> We do not have this requirement when we use metro based webservices
> and the metro-runtime does marshalling/ unmarshalling through JAXB
> as well.
> Just wanted to understand the approach jersey takes in serializing/
> deserializing xml and its dependency on the @XmlRootElement
> annotation, Can you please give me as insight into it

JAX-RS, unlike JAX-WS, is not bound to XML Schema and WSDL, which is
why a JAX-WS app knows more about JAXB artifacts. See here:
