difficulty with scala query params

From: Brian Moseley <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 20:29:07 -0500

I'm trying to get jersey to understand scala-typed query params, but
I'm having a bit of difficulty with the runtime magic involved in
binding parameter values.

the injectable provider code I've written is at, and an example of usage is in the
first comment. previous debugging shows that an extractor is created
for the param and that an injectable is returned when the provider's
getInjectable method is called at startup time. if I specify a
@DefaultValue, that's processed by the extractor as expected.

however, the injectable's getValue method doesn't seem to be invoked
during request handling. what could explain the behavior I seem to be
seeing, where the runtime is aware of an injectable for the param, and
the param is present in the query string, but the injectable isn't
being invoked?
