When I switched to GF 3.1, I started getting WEB9052 warnings on
deployment which other people have gotten. I know this probably has no
impact other than spurious log entries, but it has bugged me for a bit,
especially when making repeated rapid deployments, during debugging and
picking out the errors from the other junk in the log file.
Anyway, some quick digging discovered the cause, in the glassfish
ServletContainerInitializerUtil class, it looks for classes that extend
a set of annotations. javax.ws.rs.Path is passed as one of these
annotations by Jersey, but unfortunately the function that scans for
interested classes doesn't check what type of object is annotated hence
it picks up all resource methods as well as resource classes.
I've filled a GF issue and suitable patch. I'd imagine that jersey would
like to be interested in resource classes which precludes removing the
javax.ws.rs.Path value from JerseyServletContainerInitializer
HandlesType annotation, if not you could simply remove that value.