Re: Jersey Test Framework without Maven

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 20:43:28 +0100

btw, I found by accident something which could help you:

mvn ant:ant should (haven't tried) generate ant build files..


On 11/23/10 2:47 PM, Jared Nedzel wrote:
> Pavel:
> Thanks. I'll take a look at this early next week.
> Jared
> On 11/22/10 5:37 PM, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>> see attachment.
>> I used 1.5-SNAPSHOT, but it should work for you as well (simply
>> replace all occurrences of "1.5-SNAPSHOT" by "1.3"). You will
>> probably need to add additional jars to classpath - depends on what
>> are you using in your jersey app..
>> my attachment compiles helloworld webapp sample and runs its test;
>> steps to follow:
>> # i used jdk 1.6.0_22 and ant 1.8.1
>> svn co
>> cd helloworld-webapp/
>> cp <this_email_attachment>/build.xml .
>> ant
>> feel free to improve/modify provided buildscript and if you want to
>> help others, post it back here or to issue tracker and I'll add it to
>> jersey user guide.
>> hope it helps.
>> Pavel
>> On 11/22/10 9:01 PM, Jared Nedzel wrote:
>>> I'm using 1.3, if that is feasible.
>>> Jared
>>> On 11/22/10 2:37 PM, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>>>> Ok, I'll create ant sample for you (I'm not familiar with Eclipse);
>>>> I'm going to use jersey 1.5-ea05, let me know if you are using
>>>> something older (pre 1.2, jersey test framework changed since then)..
>>>> It should be ready in several hours (12 max, I'm not sure whether
>>>> I'll be able to do it today).
>>>> Pavel
>>>> On 11/22/10 8:26 PM, Jared Nedzel wrote:
>>>>> Pavel:
>>>>> I have found that chapter, but, unfortunately, all it consists of
>>>>> is a list of projects that should be on the classpath.
>>>>> I'm running Junit 4.8.2, running either in Eclipse or Ant (using
>>>>> the Junit ant task). We're using the Grizzly container.
>>>>> Jared
>>>>> On 11/22/10 1:59 PM, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Jared,
>>>>>> there is a brief chapter in jersey user guide describing how
>>>>>> (or.. what dependencies do you need) to run jersey tests outside
>>>>>> maven.
>>>>>> unfortunately it looks like jersey site is currently unavailable
>>>>>> so.. jersey test framework is based on junit, therefore you
>>>>>> should be able to run it for example via ant using junit ant task
>>>>>> (with correct dependencies).
>>>>>> we don't assume everyone is using maven, or at least we are
>>>>>> trying not to.. what are you using to execute tests? If its
>>>>>> publicly available, I can create simple sample so you would have
>>>>>> something to start with..
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Pavel
>>>>>> On 11/22/10 7:48 PM, Jared Nedzel wrote:
>>>>>>> Can someone point me towards documentation for how to use the
>>>>>>> Jersey Test Framework without Maven? We do not use Maven.
>>>>>>> For the Jersey devs: please don't assume that all of your users
>>>>>>> use Maven.