Re: [Jersey] Upgraded from Jersey 1.1 to 1.4, and JSON now has "null" values throughout

From: Tim McCune <>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 13:24:13 -0700

Figured out what was going on here. I was hooking up my own ContextResolver
for Jackson's ObjectMapper, so that I could tell it to stop generating all
of the "null" properties in the output. Turned out that simply constructing
a new ObjectMapper() used only the Jackson annotations, and ignored all of
the JAXB annotations, as you suggested. So I ended up doing this:

      MapperConfigurator configurator = new MapperConfigurator(null,
          new Annotations[] {Annotations.JAXB});
      // This Feature has been deprecated in Jackson, in favor of calling
      // setSerializationInclusion(JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL) on
      // the serializationConfig. But the wonderful MapperConfigurator
      // actually set its configuredMapper to a non-null value until you
      // configure() once. So since we've got nothing else to configure,
      // since the deprecated feature can be set through a call to the
      // method, we just use it.

      _mapper = configurator.getConfiguredMapper();

All of these hoops to jump through just because the switch to use Jackson
for JSON output now fills the objects up with "null"s for all properties
that aren't set. I suppose that this could be interpreted as a "feature",
but I fail to see any value in having all the "null"s in the output. I
realize that this stupidity is coming from Jackson, and not Jersey, but it
has now crept into Jersey as well, since they've started using Jackson as
the default code for dealing with JSON. I'm inclined to file bugs with both
projects, but wanted to see if anyone could offer any suggestions about what
I might be missing before I do.

Thanks again for the help.


On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Tatu Saloranta <>wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Tim McCune <> wrote:
> > Hmm...actually, I'm seeing a lot of behavior that I wouldn't expect, and
> > it's making me wonder if I'm doing something wrong. Jersey seems to be
> > skipping my JAXB annotations completely. My @XmlTransient properties are
> > showing up in my JSON output, and my @XmlJavaTypeAdapters are not being
> > used.
> >
> > Has Jersey changed its default JSON marshalling to no longer go through
> > JAXB? Or am I doing something wrong? I haven't changed any code; I
> simply
> > upgraded Jersey from to 1.4.
> I could be wrong, but symptoms would fit with using Jackson configured
> to only use its own annotations (default), not with JAXB or
> Jackson+JAXB annotations.
> Jackon JAX-rs package comes with pre-configured alternatives for both;
> JacksonJaxbJsonProvider and JacksonJsonProvider.
> Maybe Jersey 1.4 uses latter, not former?
> As to changes, I don't know for sure but I think that existing json
> mappers still work the way they used to, and it's just question of
> which mapper is used by default.
> For user it is of course a significant change.
> -+ Tatu +-
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