Well from looking at the way Application works they are using Set<> objects so the order is not guaranteed. I have also seen cases where my JAXBContextResolver was first or last in the list (after changes to the class of course) and rebuilding the WAR. In either case the order did not seem to matter.
From what you are saying, the jackson-jaxrs JAR do appear to be optional. I just looked into the maven repositories in download.java.net and they are not explicitly referring to jackson-jaxrs, so there is not a problem there. Curious enough is that they are referring to jackson-core 1.1.1 (but I am pretty certain that I was seeing 1.5.5 in my environment - I don't have my laptop in front of me to confirm). So this might actually be a maven setup issue with a non-jersey pom pulling in jackson-core. I'll check into it tonight and report back.
At least it sounds like my assertion is correct. jackson-jaxrs provides an implementation for doing JSON serialization through JAXB, but is not required for use with jersey-json.
Thanks for your input!