Re: [Jersey] Producing media type conflict

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 09:04:05 +0200

Hi Cam,

What version did you upgrade from?

On Oct 20, 2010, at 10:15 PM, Cameron Heavon-Jones wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just upgraded to jersey 1.4 and i have some code which used to
> work now failing with the message that there is a conflict in the
> produced media type. The two methods differ in that one has a query
> term and the other doesn't, eg:
> @GET
> @Override
> public Response get() {
> return get("");
> }
> @GET
> @QueryParam("term")

JAX-RS only dispatches based on the URI path with @Path, media types
with @Produces/_at_Consumes and the HTTP method. It does not dispatch
based on one or more query parameters. So the behavior you expect
would of never worked in the first place.

I think you were using an early version of Jersey that did not detect
conflicting resource methods for the same HTTP method that consume
and/or produce the same media types.


> public Response get(@QueryParam("term") String term) {
> return Response.ok().build();
> }
> I saw on a previous post[1] that this was related to subclassing but
> in my case both methods are in the same class and with a
> differentiator.
> Thanks,
> Cam
> [1]
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