Re: [Jersey] Jersey resources with inheritance giving 'Producing media type conflict' exception

From: ManiKanta G <>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 12:02:18 +0530

Thanks Paul,

> No. Jersey is detecting an error with the ChildResource class and will not
> deploy the application because of that error.
Oh, okay. When I start the server it is not listing any exception, but only
when I invoked the resources then only those exceptions were shown. Then I
thought the about this doubt.

But it'll be nice, when some ambiguities like these arise, if the resolution
is based given some more priority to the the actual resource matching to a
specific request. I mean, when accessing the /child giving the preference to
the Child' method (which is having the @Produces same as its parent method).
And stopping the parent resource from accessing when there is some conflict
with some child resource is not desirable I believe, at least for me, if not
every one :). Is this enforced by JAX-RS. Sorry, I didn't see this behavior
any where though I've gone through the spec.

Thanks again for the clarification.

ManiKanta G