hi paul,
your piece of code give me an idea. I could have the same functionality
that before by doing :
protected void configure(final ServletConfig sc, ResourceConfig rc,
WebApplication wa) {
super.configure(sc, rc, wa);
/* I remove this piece of code
if (!configured) {
final ContainerNotifierImpl cnImpl = new
rc.getProperties().put(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_NOTIFIER, cnImpl);
configured = true;
protected void initiate(ResourceConfig rc, WebApplication wa) {
// and put it here
final ContainerNotifierImpl cnImpl = new ContainerNotifierImpl();
rc.getProperties().put(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_NOTIFIER, cnImpl);
this is supposed to works right?
Guilhem Legal
On 23/09/2010 19:09, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Guilhem,
> I think i know what is going on, there is a regression due to the
> JRebel integration.
> On servlet initiation in the ServletContainer it is doing:
> protected void initiate(ResourceConfig rc, WebApplication wa) {
> wa.initiate(rc);
> if (rc instanceof ReloadListener) {
> List<ContainerNotifier> notifiers = new
> ArrayList<ContainerNotifier>();
> for (ContainerNotifier cn :
> ServiceFinder.find(ContainerNotifier.class)) {
> notifiers.add(cn);
> }
> rc.getProperties().put(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_NOTIFIER,
> notifiers);
> }
> }
> and is overwriting the notifier you have registered at configuration.
> The reason this occurs for your test is that you are using package
> scanning configuration, PackagesResourceConfig, that implements
> ReloadListener.
> Pavel, can you look into this?
> Paul.
> On Sep 23, 2010, at 3:20 AM, Guilhem wrote:
>> me again :)
>> just to say that i tried the main below with 1.3 jars instead of 1.4
>> and the test works fine.
>> Guilhem legal
>> On 23/09/2010 11:46, Guilhem wrote:
>>> I modify your testcase in order to run it only with grizzly and i
>>> see that here too, the list of containerListener is empty.
>>> if you can execute this single class, you can see the log nb=0
>>> package test;
>>> import javax.ws.rs.POST;
>>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
>>> import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.api.core.ResourceConfig;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.WebApplication;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.SingletonTypeInjectableProvider;
>>> import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
>>> import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
>>> import test.ReloadResourceTest.Reloader;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
>>> import com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThread;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
>>> import javax.ws.rs.Path;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.api.container.grizzly.GrizzlyWebContainerFactory;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerListener;
>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerNotifier;
>>> import java.io.IOException;
>>> import java.net.URI;
>>> import java.util.ArrayList;
>>> import java.util.HashMap;
>>> import java.util.List;
>>> import java.util.Map;
>>> import javax.ws.rs.GET;
>>> import javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder;
>>> import static org.junit.Assert.*;
>>> public class ReloadResourceTest {
>>> @Path("/one")
>>> public static class One {
>>> @GET
>>> public String get() {
>>> return "one";
>>> }
>>> }
>>> @Path("/two")
>>> public static class Two {
>>> @GET
>>> public String get() {
>>> return "two";
>>> }
>>> }
>>> public static class Reloader implements ContainerNotifier {
>>> List<ContainerListener> ls;
>>> public Reloader() {
>>> ls = new ArrayList<ContainerListener>();
>>> }
>>> public void addListener(ContainerListener l) {
>>> ls.add(l);
>>> }
>>> public void reload() {
>>> System.out.println("nb:" + ls.size());
>>> for (ContainerListener l : ls) {
>>> l.onReload();
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> public static class ReloadServletContainer extends
>>> ServletContainer {
>>> @Override
>>> protected void configure(final ServletConfig sc,
>>> ResourceConfig rc, WebApplication wa) {
>>> super.configure(sc, rc, wa);
>>> Reloader r = new Reloader();
>>> rc.getSingletons().add(new
>>> SingletonTypeInjectableProvider<Context, Reloader>(
>>> Reloader.class, r) {
>>> });
>>> rc.getProperties().put(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_NOTIFIER, r);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> @Path("reload")
>>> public static class ReloaderResource {
>>> @Context
>>> ResourceConfig rc;
>>> @Context
>>> UriInfo ui;
>>> @Context
>>> Reloader r;
>>> public ReloaderResource(@Context HttpServletRequest r) {
>>> }
>>> @POST
>>> public String postReload() {
>>> if (rc.getClasses().contains(Two.class)) {
>>> rc.getClasses().remove(Two.class);
>>> } else {
>>> rc.getClasses().add(Two.class);
>>> }
>>> r.reload();
>>> return ui.getPath();
>>> }
>>> }
>>> public ReloadResourceTest(String testName) {
>>> }
>>> private static URI getBaseURI() {
>>> return
>>> UriBuilder.fromUri("http://localhost/").port(9999).build();
>>> }
>>> public static final URI BASE_URI = getBaseURI();
>>> protected static SelectorThread startServer() throws IOException {
>>> final Map<String, String> initParams = new HashMap<String,
>>> String>();
>>> initParams.put("com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages",
>>> "test");
>>> System.out.println("Starting grizzly...");
>>> SelectorThread threadSelector =
>>> GrizzlyWebContainerFactory.create(BASE_URI,
>>> ReloadServletContainer.class,initParams);
>>> return threadSelector;
>>> }
>>> public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
>>> SelectorThread threadSelector = startServer();
>>> System.out.println("Jersey started");
>>> WebResource r = Client.create().resource(getBaseURI());
>>> for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
>>> assertEquals("one", r.path("one").get(String.class));
>>> assertEquals("two", r.path("two").get(String.class));
>>> assertEquals("reload", r.path("reload").post(String.class));
>>> assertEquals("one", r.path("one").get(String.class));
>>> assertEquals(404,
>>> r.path("two").get(ClientResponse.class).getStatus());
>>> assertEquals("reload", r.path("reload").post(String.class));
>>> }
>>> System.in.read();
>>> threadSelector.stopEndpoint();
>>> System.exit(0);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Guilhem Legal
>>> On 23/09/2010 11:08, Guilhem wrote:
>>>> I don't succeed to run your test because i don't find the class
>>>> AbstractGrizzlyWebContainerTester
>>>> on my side all i see is that the size the ContainerListener in my
>>>> ContainerNotifier is empty.
>>>> so when i call reload it does nothing. i guess the method
>>>> addListener is not called but why.
>>>> public class ContainerNotifierImpl implements ContainerNotifier {
>>>> private List<ContainerListener> cls;
>>>> public ContainerNotifierImpl() {
>>>> cls = new ArrayList<ContainerListener>();
>>>> }
>>>> public void addListener(ContainerListener arg0) {
>>>> // this method is never called
>>>> cls.add(arg0);
>>>> }
>>>> public void reload() {
>>>> // here the size is always 0 that is my problem
>>>> for ( ContainerListener cl : cls) {
>>>> cl.onReload();
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> Guilhem Legal
>>>> On 22/09/2010 23:41, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>>>> Hi Guilhem,
>>>>> Can you package up a reproducible test case and attach it to an
>>>>> issue?
>>>>> We have a unit test that does virtually the same thing as you have
>>>>> described and it does not fail.
>>>>> package com.sun.jersey.impl.container.grizzly.web;
>>>>> import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
>>>>> import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
>>>>> import javax.ws.rs.Path;
>>>>> import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
>>>>> import com.sun.jersey.api.core.ResourceConfig;
>>>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerListener;
>>>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerNotifier;
>>>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.WebApplication;
>>>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer;
>>>>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.SingletonTypeInjectableProvider;
>>>>> import java.util.ArrayList;
>>>>> import java.util.List;
>>>>> import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
>>>>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
>>>>> import javax.ws.rs.GET;
>>>>> import javax.ws.rs.POST;
>>>>> import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
>>>>> import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;
>>>>> /**
>>>>> *
>>>>> * @author Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.Com
>>>>> */
>>>>> public class ReloadResourceTest extends
>>>>> AbstractGrizzlyWebContainerTester {
>>>>> @Path("/one")
>>>>> public static class One {
>>>>> @GET
>>>>> public String get() {
>>>>> return "one";
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> @Path("/two")
>>>>> public static class Two {
>>>>> @GET
>>>>> public String get() {
>>>>> return "two";
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> private static class Reloader implements ContainerNotifier {
>>>>> List<ContainerListener> ls;
>>>>> public Reloader() {
>>>>> ls = new ArrayList<ContainerListener>();
>>>>> }
>>>>> public void addListener(ContainerListener l) {
>>>>> ls.add(l);
>>>>> }
>>>>> public void reload() {
>>>>> for (ContainerListener l : ls) {
>>>>> l.onReload();
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> @Path("reload")
>>>>> public static class ReloaderResource {
>>>>> @Context ResourceConfig rc;
>>>>> @Context UriInfo ui;
>>>>> @Context Reloader r;
>>>>> public ReloaderResource(@Context HttpServletRequest r) {
>>>>> assertNotNull(r);
>>>>> }
>>>>> @POST
>>>>> public String postReload() {
>>>>> if (rc.getClasses().contains(Two.class)) {
>>>>> rc.getClasses().remove(Two.class);
>>>>> } else {
>>>>> rc.getClasses().add(Two.class);
>>>>> }
>>>>> r.reload();
>>>>> return ui.getPath();
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> public static class ReloadServletContainer extends
>>>>> ServletContainer {
>>>>> @Override
>>>>> protected void configure(final ServletConfig sc,
>>>>> ResourceConfig rc, WebApplication wa) {
>>>>> super.configure(sc, rc, wa);
>>>>> Reloader r = new Reloader();
>>>>> rc.getSingletons().add(new
>>>>> SingletonTypeInjectableProvider<Context, Reloader>(
>>>>> Reloader.class, r){});
>>>>> rc.getProperties().put(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_NOTIFIER,
>>>>> r);
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> public ReloadResourceTest(String testName) {
>>>>> super(testName);
>>>>> }
>>>>> public void testReload() {
>>>>> setServletClass(ReloadServletContainer.class);
>>>>> startServer(One.class, ReloaderResource.class);
>>>>> WebResource r =
>>>>> Client.create().resource(getUri().path("/").build());
>>>>> for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
>>>>> assertEquals("one", r.path("one").get(String.class));
>>>>> assertEquals(404,
>>>>> r.path("two").get(ClientResponse.class).getStatus());
>>>>> assertEquals("reload",
>>>>> r.path("reload").post(String.class));
>>>>> assertEquals("one", r.path("one").get(String.class));
>>>>> assertEquals("two", r.path("two").get(String.class));
>>>>> assertEquals("reload",
>>>>> r.path("reload").post(String.class));
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 6:38 AM, Guilhem wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> Since a long time I use jersey for webservice. In my case i need
>>>>>> to send a request to my WS for reload all the resource.
>>>>>> here is the solution i was using (based on conversation on this
>>>>>> list called [Jersey] restart a resource ) :
>>>>>> I have overriden the servlet container :
>>>>>> public class CstlServletContainer extends ServletContainer {
>>>>>> public static boolean configured = false;
>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>> protected void configure(final ServletConfig sc, ResourceConfig
>>>>>> rc, WebApplication wa) {
>>>>>> super.configure(sc, rc, wa);
>>>>>> if (!configured) {
>>>>>> final ContainerNotifierImpl cnImpl = new
>>>>>> ContainerNotifierImpl();
>>>>>> rc.getProperties().put(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_NOTIFIER, cnImpl);
>>>>>> rc.getSingletons().add(new
>>>>>> ContextInjectableProvider<ContainerNotifierImpl>(ContainerNotifierImpl.class,
>>>>>> cnImpl));
>>>>>> configured = true;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> private static class ContextInjectableProvider<T> extends
>>>>>> SingletonTypeInjectableProvider<Context, T> {
>>>>>> ContextInjectableProvider(Type type, T instance) {
>>>>>> super(type, instance);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> I have a container notifier :
>>>>>> public class ContainerNotifierImpl implements ContainerNotifier {
>>>>>> private List<ContainerListener> cls;
>>>>>> public ContainerNotifierImpl() {
>>>>>> cls = new ArrayList<ContainerListener>();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> public void addListener(ContainerListener arg0) {
>>>>>> cls.add(arg0);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> public void reload() {
>>>>>> for ( ContainerListener cl : cls) {
>>>>>> cl.onReload();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> And i one of my resource i call the containerNotifier to restart
>>>>>> all the singleton resource:
>>>>>> @Path("configuration")
>>>>>> @Singleton
>>>>>> public final class ConfigurationService extends
>>>>>> AbstractWebService {
>>>>>> @Context
>>>>>> private ContainerNotifierImpl cn;
>>>>>> // this is simplified here
>>>>>> private Response treatIncommingResponse() {
>>>>>> cn.reload();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Now that i have upgraded to jersey 1.4, the call to cn.reload do
>>>>>> absolutly nothing.
>>>>>> Is this a bug or is there a new way to do so ?
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Guilhem Legal (Geomatys)
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