AW: [Jersey] Impossibility to set charset - Is it a bug?

From: Christian Helmbold <>
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 00:23:11 -0700 (PDT)

> What version of Jersey are you using? I'm using Jersey 1.3. > Where are you declaring the @Produces? I've declared @Produces("text/html; charset=UTF-8") on the MessageBodyWriter and @Produces("text/html") on the resource method. I thought that the resource method should not know about the encoding of the templates. But it works, if I specify the encoding on the resource method! I am, however, not sure whether it is better as my workaround with explicitly setting the content type or not. > It should work if declaring on the resource method/class. Yes, it does. What is the reason, that it doesn't work with the MessageBodyWriter? Thanks. Christian