Pluralization (again)

From: Christopher Piggott <>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 15:31:02 -0400

I just filed a bug against jaxb, but then my coworker reminded me that the
pluralization was actually contributed to jersey, not jaxb ... so now I am
thinking I made an error and that the bug is actually in jersey. If someone
can confirm, then I'll go ahead and write it as a low priority bug in jersey
(then someone else can decide if it's actually a "feature", haha).

The gist is this:

public class SegmentBean {

public class SegmentResource {

    public List<SegmentBean> getLatest() { ... }


Because I named the root element "segment" (not "SegmentBean") I
expected to get this out as the list:




Instead what I got out was:




This is with jersey 1.3 and jaxb 2.1.10

Would somebody help me resolve 1. is this really a problem and 2. is
it the jersey contrib that'st he problem (ignoring the
XmlRootElement's "name" property) or is it actually back in jaxb
