Re: [Jersey] Basic Authentication in junit TestContainer

From: Pavel Bucek <Pavel.Bucek_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 15:41:16 +0200

  On 8/25/10 2:22 PM, Patrick Duin wrote:
> On Aug 25, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>> On 8/25/10 1:48 PM, Patrick Duin wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to upgrade jersey in my application from 1.1.5 to 1.3
>>> and I am running into some troubles with my authentication in junit
>>> tests.
>>> I am using the grizzly test container with an extra Filter that adds
>>> a UserPrinciple to my HttpServletRequest.
>>> My test extends com.sun.jersey.test.framework.JerseyTest and overrides:
>>> @Override
>>> protected AppDescriptor configure() {
>>> WebAppDescriptor.Builder builder = new
>>> WebAppDescriptor.Builder(ComponentRegistryRestService.class.getPackage().getName()).addFilter(DummySecurityFilter.class,
>>> "DummySecurityFilter");
>>> return;
>>> }
>>> My root resource has the HttpServletRequest injected in a field like
>>> this:
>>> @Context
>>> private HttpServletRequest request;
>>> In my tests I then create a request with the proper authentication
>>> in the header. This works fine for most of my tests. I have one test
>>> that does some concurrent requests, it fails sometimes. The Grizzly
>>> FilterChain is not threadsafe and fails on a nullpointer when using
>>> extra filters (this is in the grizzly version 1.9.18-i used
>>> by jersey-test-framework-grizzly-1.3). It is supposed to be fixed in
>>> grizzly 1.9.19 version. Is there any workaround at the moment, am I
>>> doing something wrong to get this server authentication working?
>>> What I have tried:
>>> - Use newer version of grizzly, but that is not compatible with the
>>> Jersey-test-framework-grizzly at the moment.
>> what does this mean? I'm able to build jersey-test-framework-grizzly
>> with 1.9.19 without problems.. (I'm going to update this dependency
>> in the trunk right now)
> Sorry my bad, I couln't find the 1.9.19 version from
> so I downloaded it from the grizzly
> website and installed it to my local maven repo. I forgot to add the
> transitive dependencies so I got some class not found errors. Bad idea
> to test these things after a long day of debugging. Are the 1.9.19
> versions available from a public maven repo? I would love to test this.
yes, looks like 1.9.19 is available, but in the *glassfish*
repo - see

>>> - Use jersey-test-framework-http but I keep getting the
>>> error: SEVERE: Missing dependency for field: private
>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
>>> I was using this in my old 1.1.5 implementation without troubles. I
>>> cannot seem to get rid of this error unless I use Grizzly
>>> TestContainer. Should I register the HttpServletRequest in the
>>> resourceConfig somewhere?
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Patrick.
>>> ps: sticking to jersey 1.1.5 (with a ContainerRequestFilter instead
>>> of a javax.servlet.Filter) for now.