Re: [Jersey] Input and Output binary streams using JERSEY?

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 11:50:02 +0200

Hi Tauren,

There is currently a lack of feature/bug in JAX-RS/Jersey that it is
hard for the application to determine the acceptable media type that
has been selected, as the content-type, when one or more media types
is declared in @Produces.

So i recommend using two separate methods for the two separate media
types then you do not have to perform the equality checking with an if

Jersey will automatically set the content-type so you do not need to
set it in the Response, if you are returning an instance. The
processing of the entity set in the response will behave in the same
manner as if the entity is returned directly. All Response does is
enable the returning of additional meta-data.

Jersey has support for multipart/form-data. See the recent link that
Mark sent that Arul blogged on:

And the JavaDoc:

Note that Jersey has support for the Content-Disposition header:



On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:24 AM, Tauren Mills wrote:

> Tatu,
>> Yes, and that's where registering typed handled (MessageBodyWriter)
>> would make things easier.
>> Otherwise you will have to manually handle mapping of requested type
>> into appropriate converter, which can add lots of code for larger
>> systems.
> If I create a MessageBodyWriter<ByteArrayOutputStream> with
> @Produces("application/pdf"), then any Resource method that returns
> ByteArrayOutputStream with the PDF mimetype will use the writer,
> correct? Is this what you mean by "registering a converter"? It looks
> like the entity-provider sample does this.
> But what do I do if I don't want to return a ByteArrayOutputStream and
> instead want to return a Response? For instance, getJSON() below
> returns plain JSON with a Response object. I assume the method
> getPDF() should use my custom MessageBodyWriter since it returns a
> ByteArrayOutputStream. If I do something like the third method
> getTest(), will that still use my custom MBW? And note that I want to
> add some custom headers as well.
> @Inject
> private DataService dataService;
> @GET
> @Path("json/{id}")
> @Produces("application/json")
> public Response getJSON(@PathParam("id") String id) {
> // Get JSON representation of data
> ObjectNode data = dataService.getData(id);
> // Return JSON data
> return Response.ok().entity(data).build();
> }
> @GET
> @Path("pdf/{id}")
> @Produces("application/pdf")
> public ByteArrayOutputStream getPDF(@PathParam("id") String
> id) {
> // Return PDF representation of data
> return dataService.exportPdf(id):
> }
> @GET
> @Path("test/{id}")
> @Produces("application/pdf")
> public Response getTest(@PathParam("id") String id) {
> Date now = new Date();
> String name = "export-"+now.getTime()+".pdf";
> ByteArrayOutputStream pdf = dataService.exportPdf(id);
> return Response.ok().entity(pdf).header("Content-Disposition",
> "attachment; filename="+name).build();
> }
> So, still a bit confused as you can see... How do I combine getData
> and getPDF into a single method? I don't want to return JSON with a
> ByteArrayOutputStream. Note that I make different calls to my service
> layer to get different types of data, so how do I know which one to
> call in a single method? Is there a way to know in advance which
> @Produces is going to be used?
> Am I on the right track with something like this?
> @GET
> @Path("combined/{id}")
> @Produces("application/json","application/pdf")
> public Response getCombined(@PathParam("id") String id) {
> // how do I test for output type???
> if (testForOutputType.equals("application/pdf") {
> Date now = new Date();
> String name = "export-"+now.getTime()+".pdf";
> ByteArrayOutputStream pdf =
> dataService.exportPdf(id);
> return Response.ok().entity(pdf).header("Content-Disposition",
> "attachment; filename="+name).build();
> }
> ObjectNode data = dataService.getData(id);
> return Response.ok().entity(data).build();
> }
> Thanks again,
> Tauren
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