Re: [Jersey] Re: Exception-Handling null request

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 11:45:30 +0200

On Aug 11, 2010, at 11:13 AM, ZigZag wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> thanks a lot for the reply. I'll check the two alternatives. The
> point is
> that I write a service and an other company is writing the client
> and thats
> the reason why i want to return detailed responses.


> But may i found a
> solution with your info.
> If you have a bit time, it would be very nice, if you could explain
> me what
> this error means, especially "not a 8 event".
>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: reader must be on a START_ELEMENT
>> event, not a 8 event

It basically means that JAXB is expecting a START_ELEMENT event from
the JSON-based StAX XMLStreamReader and is instead getting a
END_ELEMENT event (a value of 8). The JSON implementation returns that
rather than throwing an IllegalStateException itself which would i
presume get mapped to a UnmarshalException.

So as i said it is a bug in the JSON implementation and we need to fix.
