Re: [Jersey] Re: using jaxb to stream a large data set

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 16:20:47 +0200

On Aug 10, 2010, at 3:42 PM, bmraczk wrote:

> Is there an example of using streaming xml in jersey

There is no example with JAXB. Do you want to manage the unmarshalling
of a large XML document in chunks binding sub-elements to a JAXB beans?

If so it is possible with StAX, but i just realized we have an
oversight in Jersey and it is not possible to inject an XmlStreamReader.

But you can do this:


    pubiic .... post(InputStream in, @Context
Injectable<XMLInputFactory> xif) {

       XMLStreamReader r = xif.getValue().createXMLStreamReader(in);

       // loop through reader and marshall sub parts to JAXB beans

For marshalling it should be possible to do something similar
XMLStreamWriter in conjunction with JAXB marshalling and
StreamingOutput [1]. Just make sure you set the fragment property of
the marshaller to true

