Can you provide the original implementation of what HelloService was doing?
Eg. the qualifiers in play, scopes, etc. There's definitely some quirks
with regards to CDI. For example, a coworker of mine was able to generate a
linux error max number of files open using CDI. How? She created a
dependent bean that had a dependent injection point that read from a file.
There was a bug in the reading that resulted in the file never being closed
and repeatedly opened. However, she bound the top level bean to a name.
With the behavior of dependent plus the behavior of named, a single page
would end up creating 20+ instances of that bean by itself. Just watch out
with request scoped - request scoped beans get created regardless of whether
they are used or not.
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 9:10 AM, satish gopalakrishnan
> Thanks for the response. I did annotate my resource with @Singleton
> (javax.inject) and after about 6 hours or so, memory usage does seem to be
> stable. With the @Request scope, I would have already seen the memory usage
> go up by now.
> With @Request scope, almost after every full GC the tenured pool usage
> keeps increasing and in a couple or days I would run out of 512 MB of heap
> space with an OOM error.
> So to summarize, these are the observations so far
> 1. With @Request scope and using @inject, there is a memory leak.
> 2. Using just a servlet while using @inject, there is no memory leak (
> basically not using REST Resource )
> 3. With @Singleton scope, there doesn't seem to be any leak based on early
> results.
> I am seeing that the same instance of the HelloService is being used on
> every method invocation - which I guess is expected since the Resource is
> Singleton scope , the injected HelloService has the same scope.
> So based on these observations, any ideas on what may be going on ? A few
> days back, I did do a heap dump analysis with ecipse mat , and just the
> basic "leak suspects" gives me the following
> One instance of *"org.jboss.weld.manager.BeanManagerImpl"* loaded by *"org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader
> @ 0x93fd5ad8"* occupies *233,469,192 (79.61%)* bytes. The memory is
> accumulated in one instance of *
> "$Impl$Segment[]"* loaded
> by *"org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader @ 0x93fd5ad8*
> **
> I know this points to something in WELD, but when I use @inject in other
> applications without using jersey, I haven't come across issue, so I am
> thinking maybe something involving jersey is going on. Quite possible that
> this is weld related too.
> Thanks again !
> > To get the simple stuff out of the way - until a GC actually runs, you
> should see the amount of memory in use increase - your JAX-RS resources
> (explicitly, or in general by default) are created on each call, and only
> used for that one call. So > you would expect memory use to increase, until
> GC cleans up.
> > You could annotate your resource to be a singleton, instead, to see if
> memory use remains stable ...
> > Moises
> On Jul 23, 2010, at 10:45 PM, satish gopalakrishnan wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using glassfish v 3.01. I have the simplest of applications - a
> hello world resource and a helloService which is empty. When I access it
> repeatedly using just wget, after a while I see that the memory usage keeps
> increasing - basically a memory leak. Here is the code
> >
> >
> > @Path("/hello")
> > @RequestScoped
> > public class HelloWorldResource {
> >
> > @Inject
> > HelloService helloService;
> > public String helloWorldTest(){
> > helloService.toString();
> > return "xyz"
> > }
> > }
> >
> > Am I doing something wrong here ? This is the simplest possible
> application with CDI and jersey - so somewhat surprised that this can have a
> memory leak. I tried @managedBean as well. Same result.
> >
> > My web.xml looks like this
> >
> >
> <servlet-class>com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer</servlet-class>
> > <init-param>
> > <param-name></param-name>
> > <param-value>mtest.HelloApplication</param-value>
> > </init-param>
> > </servlet>
> >
> >
> > Any help / insights would be greatly appreciated
> >
> > thanks