is not recognized as valid Java method annotated with _at_HttpMethod.

From: Spencer Tickner <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 10:15:50 -0700

Hi List,

Thanks in advance for any help. I've been using Jersey for some time but
after trying to switch a method over from a get to a post I'm getting the
following error:

is not recognized as valid Java method annotated with @HttpMethod.

The method looks like:

    @Produces({MediaType.TEXT_HTML, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, "text/css"})
    public byte[] doSimpleSearch(
            @FormParam("q") @DefaultValue("") String sQuery,
            @FormParam("f") @DefaultValue("") String sField,
            @FormParam("s") @DefaultValue("") int iStart,
            @FormParam("e") @DefaultValue("") int iEnd,
            @FormParam("nFrag") @DefaultValue("") int nFrag,
            @FormParam("lFrag") @DefaultValue("") int lFrag,
            @FormParam("fs") @DefaultValue("") String sFilterString,
            @FormParam("lfs") @DefaultValue("") String sLastFilterString,
            @FormParam("xsl") String xslPath,
            @FormParam("research") @DefaultValue("") String sResearch)
throws ParseException, IOException, TransformerConfigurationException {

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

