On 1 July 2010 14:32, Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com> wrote:
> Hi James,
> So would something like the following work for you:
> def getElement(@<I do not know what to call this!> subResource: Element) =
> { ... }
> ?
> That would be really easy to support because we can write an
> InjectableProvider that defers to ResourceContext. I can even send one in
> the email in addition to adding it to the workspace so that one can use it
> with a stable version.
> But as you can tell i am having a naming problem :-) any suggestions?
Yeah, I wasn't sure what to call it either :)
How about...
def getElement(@SubResource e: Element) = ...
As an aside - I hit another related thing today. One of the awesome
things about JAXRS is its so modular; drop a bunch of jars together
with jaxrs beans in them and provided your URIs don't clash, you've an
extensible web app & REST API.
However I've found I often want to extend an existing sub resource in
a modular way so that adding a jar to a web app can extend/enhance a
web app/REST API.
e.g. camel-web is a web console for Camel which has a root resource &
then a rather big tree of sub resources. If folks drop in the
activemq-camel-web jar, it would be nice to be able to replace some of
the endpoints with derived sub resource classes which offer more
representations or behaviour with knowledge of activemq etc.
If the application code is explicitly doing "new Element(id)" then you
have to go through the whole resource chain from root to sub resource
and overriding them all.
If jersey is instantiating the sub resource we could let the framework
detect a sub class being on the classpath (if its in the set of
packages scanned by jersey) then a new DerivedElement class could be
injected in the above example.
e.g. in a base module...
def getElement(@SubResource e: Element) = ...
could return an instance of "Element".
Add derived.jar to the classpath and jersey might create a
"DerivedElement" instead.
(There could be issues if there are multiple derivations of the class
on the classpath though :)
Open Source Integration