On Jul 30, 2010, at 3:41 PM, Alexandru Popescu ☀ wrote:
> Upon further (re)search it looks like most of the posters talking
> about a similar solution are solving it by using exceptions and
> ExceptionMapper.
> Probably because I hate programming through exception, I've thought
> about a different approach based on container response filters.
> Basically, using a special container response filter would allow me to
> customize both the Response and the Entity according to the app needs.
> Is this the right direction?
I think it depends on how you are returning 4xx/5xx responses.
If you are using an exception already e.g. WebApplicationException
then it may make more sense. Note that you can also write a general
mapper for WebApplicationException that supports what you require and
then you can extend from WebApplicationException or not if you wish.
This has the added advantage of capturing exceptions thrown by Jersey.
Any exception thrown by Jersey intended to be mapped to a response
will always extend from WebApplicationException.
If not the filter approach may better suite your requirements.
> :- alex
> 2010/7/30 Alexandru Popescu ☀ <the.mindstorm.mailinglist_at_gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering if there is any way I can map error status codes to
>> special resources that are able to return a more useful/friendlier
>> responses?
>> Basically what I want to achieve is that for any resource returning
>> say a 404, I could intercept this and provide a better/friendlier
>> response. A good example would be to provide a better looking 404
>> page
>> for text/html requests.
>> I've read about the ExceptionMapper and this seems to be good for
>> dealing with exceptions, but not with statuses.
>> Am I looking in the right direction or are there better ways to
>> deal with this?
>> many thanks in advance,
>> :- alex
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