Re: [Jersey] Jersey and JSR303

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 14:33:09 -0700

2010/7/29 Alexandru Popescu ☀ <>:
> Hi,
> Has anyone tried to use the 2 together? They seem like a very natural
> fit, so I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one to ask about it.

Yes, I have used Jersey with Hibernate validator, which is usable
as-is without other Hibernate components (web app wasn't accessing DB
via Hibernate). Code is not open source, but as I recall this was very
simple to do, just instantiate factories, annotate entries.
Main gotcha was that transitive validation required annotation on
child bean (forget which one, but it's quite clear from docs).

-+ Tatu +-